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Allowing yourself a moment to pray in the morning is an essential part of beginning the day! Finding time to intentionally slow down and speak to God is key to true and lasting relatinship with Him. For me, those times are at breakfast, around noon, in the car on my drive home from work, and just before bed. I even set an alarm on my phone to help me remember. 


Use this printable as a helpful reminder by hanging it on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, or in your office by the computer. You could also print this on high quality paper and frame it as decor! 


This free prayer entitles you to print as many times as you’d like for your own household’s personal use. 



This printable is copyright Steffani Aquila 2023, all rights reserved.

For more liturgical living ideas, check out, @HisGirlSunday on Facebook, or @steffani_hisgirlsunday on Instagram.

The Morning Offering Simple Printable

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